What are the benefits of walking?
Walking is "the closest thing to a wonder drug"* given the host of physical benefits it offers.
Studies show a comprehensive wellbeing strategy helps positively impact performance, by:​​
Making your team happier.
Keeping your team healthy in mind and body.
Increasing your team's productivity.
What can Walk Works do for your team?
Walk Works are passionate about connecting teams.
We create a safe space for teams to listen to each other and share their experiences.
We allow for interactions between team members in a non-competitive environment.
What are the benefits of your team being in nature?
Spending time in green spaces can reduce stress, elevate your mood and improve concentration.
Nature can help to improve mental alertness, memory and creativity.
There are fewer distractions in nature, allowing for easy communication, which supports problem solving.
The best business ideas were created during activities and never in the office.
*Dr Thomas Frieden