Case Studies
Walk Works have been working with the following corporate clients to provide bespoke walks and outdoor experiences which feature as a part of their employee wellbeing programmes. Contact us to learn more about how we are working with our other clients and to see how we can work for you.
Deloitte LLP
Walk Works ran a series of monthly walks for Deloitte LLP as part of their peer mentoring scheme for their new Bright Start graduates. With more of our midlife colleagues working comfortably from home these days, our next generation workforce are potentially missing out on the value of their shared wisdom. Deloitte faced this head on by commissioning monthly walks to facilitate conversations between partners, graduates and colleagues at all levels of the business. Having shared experiences, learning something new together, and being outside in a natural environment all help to break down barriers between all levels of the business.
Reading's Economy and Destination Agency
Walk Works have been leading a weekly guided walk in Reading town centre for over two years. The walks are funded by REDA and Reading’s Business Improvement District (BID) as part of their wellness offering to occupiers who work within the BID. The walks are interesting and varied with emphasis being placed on green spaces and our waterways, both of which help promote calmness. Participants enjoy conversations with other town centre workers, while absorbing vitamin D from the sunlight, good chemicals from trees and a sense of wellbeing from fresh air, movement and resting their eyes and brain from intensive screen time, before returning to their desks for an increase in productivity for the afternoon.
Green Park
Walk Works is commissioned by Maple Tree Investments, owners of the Reading business park, Green Park, to run a weekly lunchtime walk for all occupiers.
With a diverse range of businesses, these walks enable occupiers to meet people from other industries and businesses, and also enables people to get to know their own team members better. The benefit of a weekly commitment gives people an incentive to come into the office on a regular basis. We are more likely to exercise if we have committed to walk with others in a group.
Walk Works have been hosting these walks since February 2023, and are passionate about getting people outdoors whatever the weather. Being outside even in the colder, rainier months has enormous benefit to our wellbeing and mental health, helping to ensure employees are fit and healthy, happy and productive all year round. Walk Works is a valued addition to the wellness program at Green Park.
Virgin Media O2
Walk Works took part in a divisional People team meeting in January 2024. The focus for the afternoon was staff/people wellbeing, with 8 different wellness sessions on offer. Walk Works led two 45 minute sessions with routes around the lake and grassy footpaths close to their offices. Attendees from the different parts of he businesses took great value in being able to talk outside of the 4 walls of the office, and felt at ease with colleagues from all levels. Being out in nature, is a refreshingly easy way to connect with colleagues in a non invasive way. Our brains work faster and we are more creative when we are walking; attendees returned to their desks feeling inspired by the conversations they'd had, their moods elevated by being outside in the fresh air.